Work Visa
This visa is issued to foreigners who are going to China for a paid job or to undertake commercial entertainment performances in China. Though this visa only allows a stay duration of 30 days, it allows you to remain in China while you and your employer seek a temporary residence permit for the duration of your contract.
Note: to apply for a Chinese work visa, you will need to have accepted a job offer in China
You must provide your actual signed passport, including one copy of the personal information page of your passport. Your passport must:- Be valid for the next six months
- Contain at least two blank visa pages for the visa stamp (amendments and endorsement pages cannot be used to fulfill this requirement)
- Not be frayed, torn, separating, or altered in any other way
If your passport does not meet these requirements, please contact China Visa Service Center at 1-800-799-6560 for further details.
The Chinese Consulate requires a photograph that meets very strict requirements. We strongly recommend that you submit your photograph electronically to China Visa Service Center so we can ensure it meets the stringent characteristics mandated by the Chinese Consulate. Follow to upload your photo.
All electronic photo submissions must be taken within the last six months against an all-white background. It must show a full frontal view of your head, face centered in the middle, the tops of your shoulders, and display a neutral (non-smiling) expression with eyes open, mouth closed, and ears visible. No background light or shadows are permitted. You may not wear eyeglasses, jewelry, or headwear except for religious purposes. Do not wear a white shirt.
Should you elect to submit an actual photograph then it must meet all of the above criteria and:
- Be exactly 48 mm tall by 33 mm wide
- Be printed on high-quality photo paper
- Not be affixed to your application, with no evidence of adhesive tape or staples
Note that most passport photo vendors produce photos that are 2 inches by 2 inches and are not acceptable. China Visa Service Center cannot submit applications with incorrectly formatted photographs.
Letter of Invitation
You must obtain an official letter of invitation from your sponsor or host. The organization you will be visiting is responsible for obtaining the invitation. This letter must:- Include the dates and length of your stay
- Include your name as printed in your passport
- Specifically request a 'Z' visa
Proof of State Residency
You must provide a proof of your current address of residency. The document must either be a copy of the front of your driver's license or government ID, or a utility bill. The document must:
- Display your name as it appears on your passport
- Display the current residence address as provided on your visa application
Please note, if you must submit a utility bill the consulate requires electric, gas, or a water bill; phone and cable bills are not accepted.
China Visa Service Center Order Form
Provide the China Visa Service Center Order Form included in this kit.
Visa Application Form
One fully completed and signed visa application form. The application must:
- Be completed online
- Include answers for all required fields
- List the name of the traveler exactly as it is written in the passport
- Be printed single-sided
- Be dated and signed in blue or black ink
- Be enclosed with all other documents in your visa application kit
- Have your signature in black or blue ink, on the declaration confirmation page, as well as in section 9.1A
China Visa Service Center provides a guide to assist you in completing the application. To access the guide follow this link: Application Guide.pdf or type the address into your browser.
Former PRC Nationals or Individuals Born in Chinese Territories
If you are a former PRC passport holder or were born in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Macau:
- You must write your name in Chinese characters for question 1.2 on the visa application form.
- You must provide a copy of your most recent China visa and a copy of the passport in which the visa was issued.
- If you have never been issued a China, visa you must submit your original China passport and a copy of your Green Card, and a copy of your Naturalization Certificate.
- If you were adopted from China, you must also include a copy of your adoption papers showing adoptive parents names, name change, and photo with parents (do not include the original papers). If applicable, include a copy of your naturalization certificate and U.S. birth certificate.
Chinese Labor Ministry Documentation
You must provide a "Work Permit for Aliens" issued by the Chinese Labor Ministry or a "Foregin Experts License" issued by the Chinese Foreign Expert Bureau.Alien Work Permits issued in Shanghai or other select cities must include an official barcode issued by the governmentU.S. Citizens Born in Certain Countries
U.S. citizens born in Afghanistan, Cameroon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Nigeria, Tunisia, Turkey, or Syria who are currently traveling to China with their American passport may be asked to make a personal appearance in order to apply for a visa to China. China Visa Service Center will submit your request and follow up if the Embassy asks for you to appear in-person.Previous Visas
If you have been granted a China visa in the past, you must provide a copy of the most recent issued China visa. If the visa is not located in your current passport, you must submit the original passport containing the previous China visa.Applicants with Criminal Record
Travelers with a criminal record will be required to appear in person at the consulate in order to provide biometrics."Where You Stay" Form
You must provide a completed and signed "Where You Stay" form included in this kit.Military Statement
If you have ever served in the military, are in active military duty, are on the reserves or retired from military, the Chinese Consulate request you to complete the DECLARATION OF ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE template form included in the kit.
The dates on this DECLARATION OF ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE form must match the dates on your application form for questions #8.8 and #8.12. The military information including dates of service must also be included in the Employment History section (3.2) of your application even thought this section only requires 5 year work history.
Urgent Applications
If you have an urgent visa application that carries a tight deadline, China Visa Service Center can help you to save valuable time and avoid expensive delays. A China Visa Service Center expert will review all of your documents to certify your application is accurate, complete and ready for submission. We will contact you personally to quickly handle any mistakes ensuring your application is submitted correctly. Visit to learn more about this service.Apply Now
Consular Fee
Service Fee
Processing Time
8 Business Days
4 Business Days
Processing time means the time it takes for the Chinese Consulate to process your visa. Please allow extra time for shipping and handling.